Business Advisory

The Business Advisory Services (BAS) is where we bring our expertise, gathered over several years of quality research and having worked with different organizations in different sectors, together with the value created by such interactions, to bear positively on your organization.

What is the difference between Business Advisory Services (BAS) and Consulting Services (CS) you ask? In Business Advisory Services (BAS), it’s more of what we are proposing to you as the way forward- call it the expert advice if you like. Consulting Services (CS), on the other hand, is where we are providing the resources required to help you effectively achieve the goals and objectives as set out by you. Of course, we still make our expertise available to your company or organization, but Consulting Service (CS) is more about you requiring support and resources to achieve your set target and goals.

Process Assurance


is strategy a document written and filed away in the Managing Director’s office? Or is it merely pattern recognition? The objective of this exercise is to help the company or organization come up with a Strategy that fits it. We will go beyond the theory of Strategy (Porters 5 Forces Model, McKinseys 7-S model, etc.) to a more pragmatic, value-adding, game-changing approach to strategy formulation and implementation.  Here we look inward to identify opportunities for both organic and in-organic growth, with particular focus on optimization of existing possibilities and going beyond solutions that deliver incremental improvement, to creating radical, significant, value-adding initiatives. The output of this exercise will include tangibles like:

  • Company, Environmental, Industrial and Economic evaluation document
  • Key decision variables that will affect the company’s strategy
  • A capacity building system, that will enable the company develop an adaptive execution style as it goes along.
  • A well formulated, articulated and accepted strategy. A strategy that breathes life into the company’s operations


This is where Strategy gets translated into results, through the tactical and operational plans. Here, we seek to ensure the alignment of Strategy to Tactics and then to Operations. We will bring our Six Sigma and Project Management competencies to help our customers. Here the following will be the outcome of our efforts:

  • A Six Sigma operation.
  • A ruthlessly efficient Execution and Project Management discipline
  • A robust Knowledge Management system
  • A branded customer experience

Crisis management

For the companies and organization that we work with, we do our best to minimize surprises. However, should a company or organization find itself in crises, we provide a service that seek to steady the ship. Here, we seek to minimize the impact of the disruptive event, provide a counter measure, take learning from the event and use such learnings to further fortify the organizations into the future. Our deliverables on this effort will include:

  • A robust, well-articulated Business Continuity and Disaster Management Plan
  • A re-invigorated organization, ready to rise from the pains of the disruption and take on new, bigger challenges. 

Consulting Services

With the Consulting Services (CS) bouquet of our business, we make available to you, high quality, skilled manpower that will assist you in your journey to excellence. Whether the objectives are crystal clear and definite in your mind or they are just a vague idea of the broad direction that you would like to go, we provide the brains and brawns to move it- from being just an idea in your head to a tangible, value-adding tangibles (be they Products, Services or a combination of both).

Project Management

This is about ensuring that we achieve the set agenda within the real constraints existing in the world. With our seasoned group of certified and experienced Project Management Professionals (PMPs) and other members of the Project Management Institutes, we are able to help you set up an effective Project Management Office (PMO) that will not only ensure that your projects are delivered in line with the agreed Quality (on Time, within Budget, to the specified Scope and meeting the agreed Quality), but that it will run successfully after completion.
Here you can expect:

  • The availability of the best breed of Project Managers
  • A project that is delivered, consistent with agreed deliverables
  • The transfer of Project Management Knowledge from our team to your team
  • A continuous support structure either on ad-hoc or on a retainership basis as may be preferred

Human Capital Management

Machines, Technology, Strategy and all the fancy things that modern management bring into the business world do not produce anything by themselves. Human beings are required AT ALL TIMES to make things happen. This is true, irrespective of whether the company is fully automated or fully manual.
However, managing the Human element of any set-up is the most challenging part of any company or organization. It is an ever changing situation. As Jack Welch said, “managing people is the real work that managers are paid to do”, Companies that will get ahead need to deal with this very actively. 
So, what do we bring to the table?

  • A fully functional, optimal and value-chain driven organizational structure
  • A well-defined, and clearly articulated individual job profile
  • A well communicated, understood and accepted Employee Management Philosophy
  • A non-bureaucratic, meritocratic, Employee Performance Management System (EPMS)
  • An Employee Performance Management System (EPMS) that links properly and clearly to the corporate Strategy
  • A robust, non-cumbersome Feedback, Reward and Recognition System

IT Selection and Implementation Services

Where organizations need to throw in automation (big or small) into their operations, we provide the Technical, Operational and Project Management skills to make this happen.
We are well able to:

  • Assist with the identification of possible systems from which your company or organization can choose
  • Assist with the Request For Information (RFI) and/or Request For Proposal (RFP) Process
  • Assist with the Vendor Evaluation and Selection Process
  • Management of the implementation process, including the User Acceptance Test (UAT), Cut-Over and Go-Live activities.
  • Assist with the contractual issues surrounding the relationship
  • Assist in ensuring adequacy of training on the new solution and the CHANGE MANAGEMENT issues.

Recruitment and Loan Staff Provision

We are able to provide you with bridge staffing, while you make arrangements to get in the permanent employees when you are unable to get employees in as quickly as possible. These services will be provided by our very well trained employees. We are also able to assist with recruitment of the permanent employees, always ensuring that skills and attitude are matched to deliver satisfactory performances. You can count on us to:

  • Provide you with temporary employees that can fill your short term needs for quality manpower
  • Assist with the recruitment of permanent employees.
  • Assist with Employee Management and related activities

Operations (re)design and optimization

We will undertake this assignment where the business has identified area(s) of its operations that needs to be improved on for better productivity. Here we will:

  • Identify how the company currently perform this part of its operations
  • Identify the root-cause of all such challenges and irritations.
  • Provide more effective and efficient alternatives that will solve the challenges (whether identified or not)
  • Bench-mark alternatives to Best practices and come up with a Best-In-Class solution
  • Implement agreed solution and ensure buy-in by every Stakeholder

26 Shittu Animashaun Street, off Jogunomi Street, Gbagada phase II, Lagos, Nigeria

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