Why We Exist

It has been proven, with the hindsight of the Asian tigers and the newly emerging countries in that region, that the SMEs are very critical to economic success of any country. Nigeria needs to follow in those steps. Our research and experience has revealed that the following (ranked in order) are the major challenges facing SMEs in Nigeria:

  1. Finance
  2. Power
  3. Lack of Infrastructures
  4. Affordable Skilled Manpower
  5. Management Competencies
  6. Government Policies
  7. Tax Environment
  8. Regulatory Environment

The average entrepreneur is usually an individual experienced and/or passionate about their line of business. Therefore as individuals, they are walking on terrains that are not to strange to them. However, how much can the individual do all alone? How far can the individual go all alone? This is what brings about the need for high quality support-every step of the way-from conceptualization, to start up, stabilization, growth all the way to succession. Looking at this list, it is very obvious that every entrepreneur needs a lot of help to get the dream actualized.

This is where t-consult comes into the picture!


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